Enjoy these photos of early New York City, courtesy of the Collection of The New York Historical Society. Click on a thumbnail to view picture in larger detail.
 Skating in Central Park, ca. 1890, J.S. Johnston photographer |
 Central Park, Lake, Boats, 1894, photo by J.S. Johnston |
 Skating in Central Park, 1913 |

Panorama of City Hall Park and Park Row, Post photo, S.B. No. 196 |

Manhattan Tower of the Brooklyn Bridge, from walkway, photo by G.P. Hall & Sons, 1898 |

Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan from Brooklyn shore, 1924, photo by W. J. Roege |

Wall Street, Curb Brokers, 1917 |

Times Square, view shows RKO and Loews Mayfair Theatres, 1940, photo by A. Feininger |

Times Square looking south from 45th, ca. 1925, photo by Underwood & Underwood |
 Statue of Liberty, Bedloes' Island, 1938, photo by J.M. Engelman |
 Broad St. from Wall St., 1923, photo by W.J. Roege |
 World Trade Center VF Buildings |
 World Series Game NY Giants vs. NY Yankees at Yankee Stadium with Babe Ruth in right field |
 Cities Service building, exterior view of entire building, ca. 1932 |
 Park Scene with Flatiron building in background, winter |

Trinity Church, Hall Collection Churches |

City Hall Exterior, front view, from postcard distributed by Interborough News Co., NYC |

Flatiron Building, intersection of Fifth Avenue and Broadway, 1923, photo by Roege |